February 19, 2025

ron jeremyWorld Famous Porn Star Rumored To Be Making Virtual Reality Games

E3 is only a few weeks away and a few miles from the Los Angeles Convention Center it is rumored that male porn star Ron Jeremy is working on a major surprise.

The 63 year old who appeared in countless pornographic and even main stream films is believed to be paring up with an entertainment studio to release Adult Only content in time for the launch of the PlayStation Virtual Reality headset which is expected to release this fall.  With Virtual Reality poised to be the next big thing for gaming, it was only a matter of time before the adult industry got involved.

Previous virtual reality projects have gone no where but recent developments have advanced the technology to the point that major game and computer manufacturers believe consumers will want this new technology.  If true this development could revolutionize both the gaming and adult entertainment industry.

The specifics of Ron Jeremy’s involvement isn’t widely understood.  Its possible that he could be serving in a consultant capacity, or even so much as a performer.  Either way we’ll know for certain June 14th when E3 starts.