February 18, 2025

Vaping More Popular Than Video Game, Twitch Will Totally Legitimize It Says Industry Insider

Las Vegas – What is being recognized as progress in the vaping community, popular gaming streaming service Twitch is expected to announce a Vaping Channel. Recently Twitch has expanded its offerings by including Social Eating and even IRL (In Real Life) channels, but now it seems to be preparing for the launch of a channel dedicated only to vaping, vaping accessories, and e-juice.

At the Consumer Electronics Show in Las Vegas we caught up with Akido Twan, from Sunrise Vape Technlogies – the company that is continuing work on the PlayStation Vape Pen Controller that we reported previously.  Here is what he had to say:

“The reality is that vaping is more popular than video games, movies, television and music.  Hundreds of thousands of people want nothing more than to come home from a hard days work and watch people vape and talk about e-juice on their televisions, computers, or their mobile devices.”

While Twitch has yet to confirm the new channel, this hasn’t stopped fans of people who vape to purchase webcams, green screens, and lighting equipment in preparation for what will likely be the most significant advancement of the vape community.