March 12, 2025

most valuable sega genesis gameMan Picks Up SEGA Genesis Game At A Yard-sale Only To Discover It Was Worth $50,000!

A man in Atlanta who was casually purchasing video games from a yard-sale netted a copy of Flicky worth $50,000!

Gregory Bruckman picked up four games that day: Sonic the Hedgehog 2, Mortal Kombat,  Cyborg Justice, and a complete copy of Flicky all for only $5.  But what Gregory didn’t know as he walked home was that a lottery scratch off card was pressed between the pages of the manual.

“I never played Flicky before,” explained Gregory through a Skype call at our offices here at the Gaming Free Press.  “So I opened the manual and I found this lottery scratch off card.  The pink and black scratch off card offered prizes from $1 to the $50,000 grand prize.  I grabbed a coin, and scratched off the five dots, and each had $50,000 under it!”

It’s unknown how the lottery card ended up in the SEGA Genesis box, but George State Lottery Officials say the card is legit and Gregory is entitled to the money.

When asked if he would tell the seller about his good fortune, Gregory simply replied “nope.”