February 18, 2025

charlie sheen video gameBombshell Celebrity Announcement Goes Unnoticed; Blame Pointed At Fallout 4, Call of Duty: Black Ops III, and StarWars: Battlefront

While the rest of the world expressed shock or condolences over Charlie Sheen’s recent HIV announcement, one major demographic of the United States didn’t give a squat: gamers.

A recent poll from the National Institute of Cultural Studies (NICS) demonstrated that the 18 to 35 age demographic didn’t know who Charlie Sheen was, much less what HIV was or why they should care.  The study also revealed that gamers who invested 8 hours a week or more gaming pre-ordered Fallout 4, Call of Duty: Black Ops III, and StarWars: Battlefront, or a combination of the three games.

We here at the GamingFreePress decided to test the results of the NICS study and asked the chat panel of a popular Twitch stream: “What do you guys think about Charlie Sheen’s announcement?”

“Is that a character in Fallout 4?” asked BongWhisperer420.  Another viewer said “He is the guy that is speed running Metal Gear.”