February 5, 2025

dlcHas The Recent PSN Outages And #BetterPSN Campaign Convinced Sony To Put The PSN Back In BETA Status?

Gamers have been disappointed over the past couple weeks as Sony’s PlayStation Network continues to go down faster and more often than REDACTED.  The indignation from Sony’s fan base reached a boiling point last week as gamers took to Twitter demanding an improved PSN with the hastag #BetterPSN.  Although the suggestions covered a wide range of Sony sore spots, the consistent message had been for more up-time.

Now an industry insider has speculated that the easiest way for Sony to deal with this public relations nightmare is to declare that the PSN is in beta Status.  A beta status simply means that something, while functional, is still in the working phases of being finalized.  In software and websites it typically represents the last push before a product is considered “official”.

In recent years the gaming industry has utilized betas as a marketing tool by allowing select members of the public, and in somecase everyone, access to a game or feature before its been made “official”.

“Not only would this strategy create awareness of the PSN brand, but would also justify any shortcomings the network will continue to have.” explained an anonymous employee from a Las Vegas Gamestop.