February 18, 2025

Minecraft-logoNew Evidence Suggests Minecraft Was Used To Help Joaquín “El Chapo” Guzmán Escape From Prison

For years teachers, child psychologists, and parents have praised the creativity that Minecraft affords to millions of children.  But now it seems the game has been used for evil as new evidence has been uncovered that suggests the engineers who dug the tunnel from an abandoned house right to El Chapos’ prison toilet used Minecraft PC Edition to help plan the escape.

Inside the tunnel various printouts where found depicting different tools found in Minecraft and instructions on building a variety of redstone “machines”.  Juan Steinberg a detective investigating El Chapo’s escape, met with the Gaming Free Press and showed us some of the recovered documents:

“Cinco lingotes de hierro,” said Steinberg “it means five iron ingots in English.  This is the formula in the Minecraft game used to build a minecart.  And this, this says ‘piedra roja’ that means red stone.”

While an improvised rail system was discovered in the tunnel it was powered by a motorcycle engine and not the mythical ‘red stone’ found in Minecraft.

Other evidence included blue prints of the prison printed on graph paper, with the note “No cavar hacia abajo. Lava!” a typical warning Minecraft players are familiar with meaning don’t dig straight down due to the risk of falling in lava.