February 18, 2025

michael jackson sega genesisThe deceased King of Pop is successfully contacted beyond the grave with the help of a SEGA Genesis.

Los Angeles – Madam Culley is no stranger in séance circles as she has contacted a variety of high profile celebrities from the afterlife including Apple pioneer Steve Jobs, Joker actor Heath Ledger, and UK music star Amy Winehouse.  But her most recent attempt to channel Michael Jackson has finally been successful after she introduced a SEGA Genesis as part of the séance.

“Michael Jackson was a huge fan of SEGA,” explains Madam Culley from her Los Angeles apartment.  “SEGA published his arcade game, and the home version of Moonwalker.”

SEGA’s relationship with Michael Jackson is well documented with rumors that he even provided unused music tracks for one of the Sonic the Hedgehog games.  What makes this story unique however was the fact that a Genesis console had finally broke down the communication barrier.

“Everyone has tried to contact Michael, and no one has been successful,” says Steven Goebler, a lawyer who is representing Madam Culley in a shoplifting beef with the Los Angeles County’s Sheriff’s department.  “We have documented evidence that on April 3rd at 7:15PM our client successfully contacted Michael Jackson after she placed a SEGA Genesis on top of a vinyl copy of MJ’s Thriller album.  Oftentimes it takes several personal items, or items cherished by the deceased to be successfully contacted.  Our client is the one who figured this out, which means our client is entitled to all book, television, and movie rights to this story.”

When asked what Michael Jackson said during the Séance Madam Culley referred us to her lawyer who asked for a good faith payment in exchange for the details of the séance.  Unfortunately it is the policy of the Gaming Free Press to not pay for stories or interviews, so for now the conversation with Michael Jackson will remain a secret.