February 18, 2025
Osama Bin Laden Huge Pokemon Fan
Osama Bin Laden Huge Pokemon Fan

Recently released files from the 2011 raid on Osama Bin Laden reveal that he was a huge Pokemon fan.

As U.S. intelligence officials released a trove of documents on Osama Bin Laden on Wednesday it was revealed that Bin Laden was a huge Pokemon enthusiast.  He apparently loved the games, the cartoons, and even the toys and amassed a large collection of the Nintendo merchandise.

A variety of private items were collected from the Bin Laden compound including papers, computers, and MP3 players, but several Nintendo Game Boys, Nintendo DSs and even an LCD  Pokedex from 1998 were found as well.

“Initially it was thought that the Pokemon toys and games belong to Bin Laden’s kids, but it turns out he is as big of fan as American children,” said an Anonymous source related to the document release.  “It is with out certainty that his favorite character was Charmander.”

The Charmander facts were uncovered in a letter to a close acquaintance where he lamented that the “newer Pokemons lacked the charm of Charmander.”