February 18, 2025

nintendo 64Laredo Texas Gold and Pawn Shop offers $400 for Nintendo 64 consoles because they contain $400 in gold.

A big sign in front of Weed’s Gold and Pawn promises to pay $400 cash for your Nintendo 64 console because they discovered that the boards in them contain about $800 in gold.  Gold has currently been trading at about $1200 an ounce which works out to about 2/3rds an ounce inside each and every N64.

Why so much?  Gold prices have skyrocketed since the release of the Nintendo 64 in the mid 1990’s, and Jerry Weed, the owner of Weed’s G&P attempted to melt down the gold contacts inside the system – a difficult task for the average gamer or gold sluth:

“It takes a variety of chemicals to dissolve the boards and plastics and to extract the pure gold,” explained Jerry as he spoke to us on a gold plated Apple iPhone.  “I don’t plan to share the secret recipe any time soon which is why I don’t care if others know there are gold in these old video games.  They won’t be stealing my business any time soon.”