February 18, 2025

Wolf3d_pcHigh school student placed on honor roll after plagiarizing Wolfenstein 3D plot.

A San Bernardino high school is in hot water after placing a student on the honor roll for allegedly submitting an amazing history report about World War II to his teacher. The paper provided vivid detail about American Spy William “B.J.” Blazkowicz and his efforts to single handedly take down the Nazi regime. The problem is that not only has William Blazkowicz never existed, the story was taken directly from the manual of the popular 1992 game Wolfenstein 3D.

David Hotop is the student being accused of the plagiarism. But he feels he has done nothing wrong. The Gaming Free Press caught up with him and his mother at their California home. David explains the events as follows:

“My teacher, Mr. Heem told us to write a report about World War II. He said we can write about any topic that relates to World War II, but the information must come from a book. I went through an old box in the garage and found a manual for the game Wolfenstein 3D. I read the introduction, and based my paper on it.”

David alleges that he didn’t know the story of William Blazowicz wasn’t fact and admits he thought it was strange that that a spy used the arrow keys and space bar of a keyboard to take down Hitler.