March 11, 2025

earth sunIntergalactic Space Arcade demonstrates a SEGA Genesis powered by Earth’s Star

Considered by many to be the most important retro-gaming review YouTube channel (and website), ClassicGameRoom uploaded exclusive footage on Saturday August 15th 2015 of a SEGA Genesis powered by what appeared to be solar panels.  The three panels were connected to a lithium battery.  An attached inverter chugged out 115 volts.

At 27 seconds into the video, Mark flips the switch to the SEGA Genesis and the red power LED ignites.  The camera then pans to a monitor where the SEGA logo and Eternal Champions title screen comes to life.

Mark then prophesies “more star fueled fun coming soon.”

The Gaming Free Press reached out to Helen Cogburn Yates, a former solar and alternative energy researcher for JPL to weigh in on the video:

“This is quite possibly the single greatest achievement to happen to retro-gaming.  I don’t know about you, but if an alien virus were to breach the Intergalactic Space Arcade and were to wipe out the crew that SEGA Genesis will continue to be powered for millions, if not billions of years.  Lord Karnage will live forever.”