March 12, 2025

fireworksTexas church promises an insane sin-free 4th of July by trading video games for fireworks.

The leaders of a Houston Texas church agreed to exchange video games for fireworks this week.  Rev. Brick Bullock and his congregation has been gung-ho against the evils of video games, and made headlines last year for performing exorcisms against Minecraft players as young as 5 years old.  The Gaming Free Press contacted Rev. Bullock for comment who shared the following with us via email:

“Jesus loving Americans are being assaulted by evils every day.  We need to get the video games out of the homes, and exchange controllers for bibles.  If children love anything more than those evil video games, its fireworks.  We develop this exchange program so we can collect the video games and destroy them.  Jesus will inspire these kids to trade the games for the fireworks.  Each sparkler, smoke-bomb, or snake represents a child purging Satan from their home and their minds.”

Rev. Bullock and his flock have done other video game exchanges in the past with varying success including a video games for guns at a gun show in Corpus Christi.