March 12, 2025

GoldConcern grows over the idea that the Boy Scouts of America might accept PSN Trophies in lieu of earning Merit Badges.

The parents of 7 year old Coltrane Bryant, has been pushing the Boy Scouts of America to recognize their son’s 2000+ PSN trophies as “credit” towards a variety of merit badges.  The former Cub Scout enrolled into the traditional boys club last September at his local elementary school.

“Everything seemed fine at first,” explains Carolyn, his mother.  “He was making friends, learning new things, and having a blast, but as other kids started earning their merit badges my son Coltrane wasn’t progressing.  Another den mother told me that my son was too busy playing video games and that I wasn’t investing enough time into Coltrane’s scout development.”

That’s when Carolyn had the idea to ask if her son’s PSN Trophies could be accepted as “merit” towards the variety of advancement that is available.  “Getting a platinum on God of War should have easily earned my son the rank of Tiger.  And completing Grand Theft Auto V at 100% should have fast tracked him into Webelos, but it just didn’t happen.”

When Carolyn’s idea was shot down she immediately pulled her son from the scouts.  Allegedly the parents of other boys in Coltrane’s troop soon received literature advocating for the Boy Scouts of America to recognize “digital achievements” and highlights many of the skills that are obtained from playing video games are suitable substitutes for any scouting related activity.

“You might not learn how to tie a not or prevent a forest fire,” explains Carolyn, “but you sure as hell aren’t going to learn how to frag in the scouts either.  The Boy Scouts need to recognize this and act accordingly.”

The Gaming Free Press will continue to follow this story.