February 18, 2025

candle-03Prior to his death Steve Jobs outlined his vision for an Apple branded video game console.

A séance was performed Wednesday night in the Tuscon Arizona basement of Anastasia Kroely, a 67 year old palmist and spiritual medium. The goal: to ask Steve Jobs if Apple seriously considered creating a game console.

Eleven Apple fans assisted Anastasia during the séance by placing their various Apple products in the center of the table while she channeled the deceased CEO. John Connolly, an ASU freshman live Tweeted the séance:

“We’re gathered around a table, it’s pretty spooky in here. iPhones, iPads, white ear buds. Beats headphones LOL”

“OMG some of the phones just vibrated!”

“Oops, never mind, some of the guests follow me on Twitter. It was just a notification of my first tweet.”

“Ok, something is happening, not sure what.”

“Anastasia’s phone is ringing, she is going to answer it!”

“We have confirmation! It’s Steve Jobs on the other end of the phone! Anastasia is asking about the console!”

“She’s nodding, saying ‘uh huh’ ‘uh huh’.”

Witnesses at the séance report that Anastasia confirmed that Steve Jobs did tell her about a video game console that he designed. She said it was of “minimalist design” with an Apple logo and a hipster inspired “joystick”, but that it was never released because Steve Jobs felt that Apple could better serve the world with cosmetics.

Some in the room were skeptical of Anastasia’s claims, especially after charging $99 to attend the séance, then her immediately going into an Avon sales presentation. The Gaming Free Press emailed John Connolly to ask what happened next after his live tweets stop. He replied with the following:

“Thanks for asking, I bought the Steve Jobs inspired lipstick and eye liner. I agree with Anastasia that this was a way better alternative to a game console, because you know, if Steve Jobs says its better, then face it – its better.”