March 11, 2025

pikachuA woman was caught on surveillance footage stealing a stuffed plush Pikachu from a child’s grave.

The grieving parents of Amy Jane Wicks will never forget their daughter’s love of the popular Nintendo Game Pokemon. The fourteen year old girl succumbed to a congenital liver defect last spring and the family held a memorial for her this past Monday at Oak Cemetery.

Friends, family, and strangers attended the service and left behind mementos that represented Amy’s short life. They included a cheerleader outfit, a Justin Beiber CD and a variety of vinyl and plush Pokemon characters.

“Pikachu was her favorite,” explained her father.

Austin Texas authorities reached out to the community for leads, but the case didn’t gain traction until the rotund electric mouse found its way into a Craigslist posting.

“Gently Used Plush Pokemon $10,” read the posting.

A self-proclaimed vigilante tried to set up a sting operation, but the thief was tipped off and they removed the posting.

As of this morning the grave site was picked clean of all of the personal effects except for the Justin Bieber CD.