March 11, 2025

ps vitaImmediately after the $99 WiiU blow out sale left people empty handed, reports of PS-Vitas for $59.99 is raising hopes for some.

Earlier this week the internet got worked up into a frenzy after a photo of a receipt showed what appeared to be a Sears receipt with a WiiU being sold for $99.  Hopeful buyers raced to Sears only to be disappointed that the discount was for the Nintendo Land bundle which has been near impossible to find for weeks and not the preferred Super Mario Bros. WiiU bundle which has been slow to leave store shelves.

Now reports are surfacing that Sears will be clearing out PS Vita’s starting on Saturday for the cheap price of $59.99.

The Vita has faced tough competition from Nintendo’s 3DS and the mobile game market which would include iPhone and Android smart phones.

“I’ve been expecting this day for a long time,” explained one Sears employee who asked not to be identified.  “Unlike the WiiU though we have atleast 30 PS Vitas in my store and I imagine others have about the same amount of stock.”

As of Friday morning The Gaming Free Press has been unable to confirm the accuracy of this sale.