March 12, 2025

Outraged Gamers Tell Sony To ‘Stick To  Video Games!’ As Contraceptive Fails To Deliver

Twitter was in an uproar as gamers quickly discovered that newly launched PlayStation branded condoms are of poor quality leading many to insist that Sony over stepped its bounds with a product they have no experience with.

With an estimated $500 million dollar budget, Sony hired a clever advertising firm to show how unprotected sex risks ruining your game time as a montage of happy gamers suddenly turn miserable at the prospect of taking care of a baby.  The ad ends with with the familiar PlayStation logo, and “PlayStation!” audible followed by “We got you covered.”

Unfortunately Sony doesn’t have you covered as twenty or so gamers across the country discovered that many of the premium PlayStation branded condoms were broken in the package, too tiny, or just plain angled weird.  Some consumers speculated that it was a manufacturing defect, where as others suggested that Sony only focused on the Japanese and did not consider the needs of consumers in other regions.

While there have been no reports of a successful use of a PlayStation branded condom, the Gaming Free Press will continue to investigate.