March 11, 2025

SyringeThe Nintendo World Championships 2015 have been rocked by a performance enhancing drug scandal.

Redmond Washington – Gamers from across the country flocked to various Best Buy electronic stores to stake their claim in the Nintendo World Championships 2015 this weekend, but what intended to be a friendly competition has turned ugly after reports that many gamers utilized performance enhancing drugs to improve their game play.

At a Best Buy in California an undercover sting operation snagged players sharing a syringe with “juice”.  An operation at a mid-west Best Buy nabbed six gamers with $3200 in “Arnolds” and “pumpers”.

Illicit drug use in esports is nothing new as several popular gamers have been seen popping pills or injecting illicit chemicals into their veins during Twitch broadcasts.  But it seems now that the family friendly company Nintendo is particularly embarrassed since they did not bother to take necessary precautions to ensure that participants were narcotics free.

The Gaming Free Press reached out to Nintendo for comment, but they have not returned our calls.