March 12, 2025

drone strikeWhat is believed to be a U.S. drone strike in Yemen wipes out an Xbox black market.

Reports are spilling out of the Middle East that a U.S. or coalition forces drone air-strike has wiped out an Xbox black market under the pretense that it was a cover for a chemical weapons factory.

U.S. officials are denying involvement in the massive explosion that wiped out several buildings including a market known for selling seized computers, video game consoles, and other electronics.  Witnesses reported a drone dropped a massive payload of explosives on the buildings before swooping up and disappearing into the clouds.

Previous airstrikes have been reported as being nearly silent, sudden, and undetectable to conventional radar.

Pirated Xbox one consoles have been proliferating through out the middle east where they are used for amusement and also for the training of terrorists.