March 11, 2025

nintendoSystem to include console, 60 built in games, and two controllers.

In the wake of the confirmation of the existence of the ColecoVision and Intellivision Flashback consoles the industry is abuzz with the possibility that another retro game compilation system might find its way under the Christmas tree this holiday season.

A leaked photo of what appears to be a Nintendo Entertainment System Flashback console shows a tiny NES style box with two controllers, a promise of “60 built in games” and screenshots of several NES games.  Titles appear to include Anticipation, Taboo, and Silent Service. (Note: the photo shown here is not the leaked photo.)

This would be the first time that a legally licensed game console carried a compilation of NES games.  Over the past 15 years a variety of pirated game systems have flooded the market with many old Nintendo and Famicom games.  The quality of these systems vary and Nintendo has been good to dispatch lawyers against entrepreneurs looking to make a quick buck on their old licenses.

A market analyst shared the following:

“This could be the worst possible decision Nintendo has ever made.  With the WiiU struggling and their vast game library available to purchase from the eShop, why they would sanction this product is beyond my comprehension.”

Althought it hasn’t been confirmed it is believed that AtGames will be the official publisher of the Flashback console as the box art is similar to their previous products.  If so expect the Nintendo Flashback to retail for around $39.99