March 11, 2025

amplitudeCrowd sourcing hits a new low as popular rhythm game maker Harmonix asks for more than $700,000 to publish a game.

The crown jewel of rhythm games Harmonix has put the final nail in the coffin for aspiring gaming entrepreneurs who were looking to use Kickstarter as a way to fund their ideas.  In a desperate bid to revive the Amplitude franchise Harmonix created a Kickstarter to beg for large sums of money to fund the development of the game.

The internet went into spasms of indignation when news spread of the project.  Soon after the announcement a blog post went up on the official PlayStation website celebrating the Kickstarter.  Comments were mixed but most were negative with one gamer referring to the whole fiasco as “the equivalent of pan handling.”

Hours later rumors started to spread that the brass at Kickstarter has decided to update their terms of service to disallow video game projects as so many of them lately have failed to get funded, failed to meet their backer’s expectations, or were clearly obtuse ideas that would entertain no one.

As of this writing there is no evidence to suggest the terms of service have officially changed, but the recent abuses of the spirit of Kickstarter could mean the relationship between it and the endless number of video game documentaries, and game reboots may finally come to an end.