March 11, 2025

bloodborneAnimal control officers are responding to thousands of vicious dog attacks, and for one veterinarian the music in Bloodborne is believed to be the culprit.

A Wisconsin animal doctor noticed increased barking in her post-op kennel when a local television news broadcast did a report on Sony’s newly released game Bloodborne.

“Whenever the broadcast showed gameplay,” explains veterinarian Vivian Spoon, “the kennel would explode with barking.  The television is located in the waiting room, but high pitched frequencies, like those of dog whistles can carry very far.”

Vivian decided to try an experiment and called her son to her office.  With PS4 in tow and a fresh copy of the game installing Vivian prepared her staff.  Once her son got about 20 minutes into the game the dogs started barking and acting crazy.  Adjusting the volume louder made the dog’s behavior worst, but turning the TV off all together would calm the dogs.

The Gaming Free Press reached out to our local animal control and asked if they heard of such a thing which they promptly replied to with “no” before hanging up on us.  Repeated calls to animal control resulted in an email that stated:

“Any reports about Bloodborne causing vicious animal attacks because of high frequency sub-audible sounds in the game’s soundtrack is completely false.  Everyone knows that if dogs are being disturbed by the game its from the high pitched squealing of the PS4’s disc drive as it takes 17 minutes to load a level in the game.”

While most gaming review sights have given praise for Bloodborne a consistent criticism has been the long load times.