March 12, 2025

washington dcThe House and Senate approve a governmental tax on downloadable content hitting gamer’s wallets the hardest.

Washington D.C. – In an almost unanimous vote, both the House and Senate have approved a government mandated tax on downloadable content of up to 18% per transaction.  What was originally a 99 cent game or skin will now cost gamers $1.17; and a full game originally purchased at $59.99 will now cost $70.78.

Gamers will get hit the hardest while downloaders of movies and television content will pay up to 15%, books and magazines 10%, and music will be taxed at 5%.  The tax is expected to generate more than $11 billion per year over the next three years.  The increases have already been ear marked to pay for wage and benefit increases for government officials and for beautification projects at embassies in China, Japan, and India.

It is believed that the Obama administration will approve the bill and will go in effect on January 1st, 2016.