October 16, 2024

Hugh Hefner’s Death Artificially Raises Price Of Obscure Boring PS2 Game

Beverly Hills, California – as word spread of the death of Playboy Founder Hugh Hefner, ghouls quickly listed copies of Playboy: The Mansion for PlayStation 2 on eBay with prices soaring as high as $4.99 for sealed copies of the game.

While the game was panned as being boring, tedious, and not at all erotic, game collectors have long since held on to their copies hoping for the day that Hefner left this earth so they could cash in.

Immediately after the death of Michael Jackson, copies of Moonwalker on the SEGA Genesis appreciated to as much as $200 a copy.  While its uncertain how much of an influence Hefner’s passing will have on the game’s value nothing will change the fact that it was boring.