March 12, 2025

50 shades of greyThe Fifty Shades of Grey video game is now a reality as the ESRB has rated the game ‘E’ for Everybody shocking parents and industry insiders.

“Fifty Shades of Grey: first a hit book, then a hit movie, and next a hit video game,” exclaims software director Clem Lyhdia of Grass Seed Software Inc.  The Barstow California startup has won the video game publishing rights to “Fifty Shades” and plans to fully capitalize on the franchise while its hot.

“We have a micro-transaction free to play mobile game coming to iOS and Android next month, but we believe the fairy tale transition from book to big screen to home console is where our core audience lies.”

The core audience that Clem is referring to are women who are smitten by the Fifty Shades story and make up 43% of the home video game primary purchaser demographic.

“When these lonely women are looking for a sense of adventure they aren’t going to drop their hard earn money on a game like Minecraft – they are going to purchase a title that they enjoy – that they are familiar with.” explains Clem from Grass Seed Software’s offices, “sure we had to tone down the sexuality, inferred violence, and pornographic language, to earn that ‘E’ for Everyone rating but what consumers will be left with is a tactical tower defense puzzle game with erotic non-skipable cut-scenes and DLC that will keep the franchise fresh through out the next two movie releases.”

Fifty Shades is planned for release on PS3, Ps4, PSVita, Xbox 360, Xbox One, and PC.  Grass Seed will be demonstrating the title at this year’s E3 expo and is targeting a July release date.