March 12, 2025

BREAKING: Immediately following media reports that the Atari E.T. landfill dig has been given the green light, a seemingly unrelated gaming story started to unravel over social media with what might be an eerie connection to the E.T. dig.

Apparently in 1982 a woman whose name the Gaming Free Press will keep private at this time out of fear that she might have been a victim of a crime, allegedly set a world record on an arcade game.  Some believe that she wasn’t heard from since.  But soon after the E.T. announcement the call of action to find the woman started.

The timing of the two announcements has led to a variety of questions:

  • Is there a connection between this missing gamer from ’82 and the Atari landfill incident believed to have occurred in ’83?
  • Has this mystery gamer been a victim of a crime the evidence of which is somehow related to this New Mexico landfill?
  • Is it possible that the woman wants her privacy, and is uninterested in being found, much less talking about an event from 32 years ago?
  • In the three decades that has passed, it’s possible the woman has passed away and does this sudden hunt exploit her death and leave her family vulnerable?
  • Who really benefits from this long forgotten story?
  • Does the dig violate the privacy of people whose trash may have ended up in the landfill?

The Gaming Free Press recognizes that the very notion that the two events are related is completely ludicrous, but in the spirit of journalistic purity we are encouraging anyone with information about either story to share it with us by calling 702.767.9845