March 12, 2025

minecraft cardPay for play subscriptions, in-game ads, and huge marketing push with Mountain Dew is believed to be on the table for Minecraft’s near future.

The world has been on edge waiting to see what Microsoft might do with the Minecraft franchise after it’s recent purchase.  The multi-billion dollar acquisition has been repeatedly criticized by Minecraft fans and industry analysts who fear that the poster-child for indie game development will now be ruined in a botched business plan by Microsoft to rapidly recoup it’s investment within 3 years.

A supposedly leaked internal Microsoft memo found its way on to Twitter earlier today, then was quickly removed.  Screen captures of the memo allegedly outline an 18 month plan that will slowly transition from a single purchase with DLC microtransactions for texture packs and the like, to a full on pay for play subscription based service for online play for at least at this time the PC version.

“Even if Microsoft were to lose half of the entire Minecraft fan base in those 18 months, they will still recoup their investment plus more in merchandising, in game ads for Mountain Dew and other product placements and branding from within the game,” explains Ellen Baulier from GDTS Investments.  “We can expect to see Creeper themed Mountain Dew released by Christmas.”