March 12, 2025

armor ambushHot off the heels of the 100 hour Armor Attack marathon, a Colorado man is attempting a 4 day marathon gaming session with the Atari 2600 classic game Armor Ambush.

Kyle Lateurno from Glenwood Springs Colorado recently found his old Atari console, and after blowing the dust off of it, he read about the Armor Attack marathon and decided to set a record of his own.

“I have a strategy that can’t be beat,” explains Kyle from a local hospice.  “I had an unfortunate accident years ago and have to use this colostomy bag.  It gives me the advantage of not having to stop to use the bathroom.”

Kyle may have found a work around for one of the biggest obstacles marathon gamers face, but there is still another challenge: sleep.

Kyle’s event is scheduled for May 11th.