March 12, 2025

arcadetokensA Bermuda Triangle was recently discovered in a Utah arcade.

In the small town of Beaver, an arcade that stood the test the time is amazing the town folks with a strange phenomenon.  Dubbed “The Bermuda Triangle of Beaver”, the tiny arcade in a local strip mall has about 20 vintage arcade machines including a restored Donkey Kong, Centipede, and Q*Bert.

The three machines are the showcase of the arcade and are positioned in a triangle fashion around a token dispenser.  Visitors to the arcade have reported that tokens have been disappearing into the machine without registering a credit.

“It’s really weird man,” explains 22 year old Russell Chronopolis, “It’s like these three machines are eating our money.”

Russell has been the only denizen of Beaver Utah who we could find that would comment on the missing tokens.  The Gaming Free Press tried to ask the owner of the arcade about the strange phenomenon but he refused to answer our questions, only gesturing to a large sign that said “No Refunds”.

The original Bermuda Triangle has hosted strange phenomenon for decades including airplanes and ships that have disappeared and a variety of UFO sightings.

As of this writing there has been no reported UFO sightings in the vicinity of Beaver Utah in over nine months.