October 16, 2024

TMRTwitch’s Popular Retro Streamer TheMexicanRunner Completes 80 – 0 Win In The NES Classic Bases Loaded

Gdansk, Poland – TheMexicanRunner, aka TMR pulled off the ultimate endurance contest this morning by live streaming an 80 – 0 victory in Bases Loaded for the original Nintendo Entertainment System after playing the game for more than 46 hours.

TMR who recently passed the half way mark of his NESmania quest to beat all of the licensed Nintendo NES games started Bases Loaded almost a week ago and had been chipping away at it off and on all this week.  The completion criteria was to to win 80 games.  TMR who employed a near perfect no-hitter strategy against the computer was beating games at about 30 minutes a piece.  The original estimate to complete the game was 80 hours.

The repetitive nature of the game is enough to make most gamers go bonkers after the first couple hours, but TMR took it in stride entertaining his viewers by answering questions, singing, and sharing stories.  One story in particular described his difficulty of cancelling his internet service prior to his recent move to Poland.  The exhausting feat lead to another entertaining moment where TMR re-arranged his setup so he could stream from his bed.

Chat shared in the excitement this morning as TMR threw the final pitch effectively ending the game.  As 8-bit baseball players marched the filled swinging their hats, TMR grabbed a near by hat of his own and spun it around in victory.

But the victory was short lived as the next game on the completion list is The Adventures of Bayou Billy.

tmr bed