October 16, 2024

call of dutyPopular hate group to become victim of violence in Call of Duty: Advance Warfare.

In the days that lead up to E3 rumors and speculation become common place, but one rumor in particular seems to have the internet in an uproar.  Supposedly there is a mission in the latest Call of Duty game where your platoon takes on a Westboro Baptist Church inspired hate group picketing the funeral of a fallen comrade from an earlier mission.

A 57 second video featuring the carnage was pulled within hours of being posted to YouTube.  Lucky viewers report the mission is simply a massacre where by the POV character fires aimlessly into the crowd of unarmed religious protesters before finishing them off by lobbing grenades.

“I think its about time,” explained Deseret Bus, a mother who lost her son in Afghanistan only to be tormented by the WBC when they picketed his funeral three years ago.  “My son made the ultimate sacrifice, so I hope the American public will be willing to drop sixty bucks to buy this game.”